Outside stands the dark of night,
a sexless lamppost dances
in the mirror world of the water
gathered at its base,
the bare branches of an old oak tree
sways in the wind
to a perceptible movement of a wave
of wet damp air that breaks in and fills my lungs,
I am caught naked in an unguarded moment,
the devil enters the chambers of my mind uninvited.
Like a wild animal being hunted as prey,
I toss and turn in my sleep,
dreams of you are all I know.
In this dim light I search every face,
with your image fashioned in my mind,
A thousand possibilities stand outside
the darkness of my thoughts,
no one knows these dreams of mine,
I carry my nemesis within me
Bitter tears I have shed
Yearning for your warm embrace,
longing for you to come back to me,
My friends tell me
-In time, this experience will fade,
So in the end who was to blame?
An answer swiftly comes,
it is time to let go and move on.
A fantasy poem written for Magpie Tales hosted by Willow aka Tess Kincaid
Outside my open window a sexless lamppost dances
in the mirror world of the water gathered at its base,
the bare branches of an old oak tree
sways in the wind to a perceptible movement of a wave of wet damp air
that breaks in and fills my room ,
I am caught naked in an unguarded moment,
the devil enters my chambers uninvited.
Like a wild animal being hunted as prey,
Like a wild animal being hunted as prey,
I toss and turn in my sleep,
dreams of you are all I know,
in this dim light I search every face,
with your image fashioned in my mind,
A thousand possibilities stand outside the darkness of my thoughts,
no one knows these dreams of mine, I carry my nemesis within me.
Bitter tears I have shed yearning for your warm embrace
Bitter tears I have shed yearning for your warm embrace
longing for you to come back to me,
my friends tell me -
In time, this experience will fade,
So in the end who was to blame?
An answer swiftly comes,
it is time to let go and move on.
photo credits: ffffound #1 barbara cole; #2 fffound unkn;#3, 4, 5, 6, ffffound tim walker; # 7 tess kincaid aka Willow