Saturday, May 1, 2010

White Sands from the Seven Seas

It was a beautiful sight to see
as the sun sank over the sea and
Venus appeared from behind the moon. ...
 I saw it all nature's beauty at its best
ocean of glass mysterious inside-
where strange creatures rest
Precious coral, calciferous sand, seashells,
and interesting things lying on the beach
finding its way into an overheated kiln
flaming molten liquid
set in glowing emptiness-
rapid melt quenching.
from its crystalline form
sparked by creativity and frozen in time,
glass is born

Visit Magpie Tales to read what wonderful Tales other writers and poets have spun using this photo prompt.
 images from
The Chihuly Bridge of Glass, Tacoma Museum of Glass
Glass Bowl  prompt by Willow @ Magpie Tales

My inspiration came from walking under this bridge made by Chihuly,

"I love to go to the ocean and walk along the beach. Glass is so much like water. If you let it go on its own, it almost ends up looking like something that came from the sea."   —Chihuly

The Seaform Pavilion is a ceiling made of 2,364 objects from Chihuly's Seaform and Persian series. Seaforms have soft, undulating sides and rims, and feature delicate, flowing forms and colors. Persians, the exotic cousin to the Seaforms, are a rich variety of cones, flasks, and roundels with spiraling ribbons of color. Placed on top of a fifty-by-twenty-foot plate-glass ceiling, the forms are suspended in midair and make dramatic use of natural light. Fluorescent lights augment daylight on cloudy days and illuminate the pavilion at night. The tinted glass side walls of the pavilion allow viewers to immerse themselves in the space without distraction. As visitors walk under this pavilion, they experience a seemingly underwater world of glass shapes and forms a few feet above their heads.